10 Ways to Help Those Hit Hardest By Covid-19 in Your Community

Posted on Apr 21, 2022

Today, more than 18 months since the start of the pandemic, an estimated 1.1 million children have lost at least one parent or grandparent to COVID. Weak health systems and child protection systems have collapsed. Too many families have plunged into poverty. If you’re eager to make an impact in your local community, here are some simple and thoughtful ways to help others in need.

Ways to Help Your Community

  1. Protect yourself and others from COVID-19. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to impact our daily lives, keeping yourself and others safe is more important than ever to help your community. Following mask mandates, adhering to travel restrictions and maintaining social distancing is vital to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
  2. Help your local food pantry. Today, there are an estimated 17 million children struggling with hunger in America. Contact your local food pantry or give to our partner No Kid Hungry. Your support will help them provide food items for families in need.
  3. Give blood if you’re able. Red Cross and other organizations are in dire need of blood supply and have safe, healthy ways for you to donate.
  4. Volunteer your time. Volunteering is a great way to support your community. Volunteering opportunities can range anywhere from cleaning up the neighborhood to planting a community garden. 
  5. Check on neighbors and family members, especially those who live alone, are elderly, have health or mobility issues or are caring for children. Schedule time to remotely connect with these individuals regularly to let them know they are not alone.
  6. Support local businessesschools and child care centers: When possible, purchase gift cards to local shops businesses online that you can use once storefronts reopen, and uplift those who are trying to keep afloat. Due to COVID-19, many child care centers across the country have been forced to shut down. Through Save the Children’s political advocacy arm – Save the Children Action Network – we are building bipartisan to support financial relief for the child care industry during the pandemic. 
  7. Provide support to frontline health workers and first responders: Many health workers are not able to stay at home and are working around the clock, so take on tasks that they don’t have time to do as an expression of gratitude.
  8. Assist in local or online fundraising efforts. Look into options that provide much-needed supplies to families, such as Amazon Wish Lists, as well as the work of your local community and volunteer organizations. You can also fundraise for children or donate your birthday to support children in need around the world.
  9. Stay informed and stay calm: Only share information from credible sources like your state department of health or the CDC. Remember, when you stay calm, others will follow.
  10. Take care of yourself and others: Practice patience, kindness and mindfulness. Encourage others to do the same!

Origina post: https://www.savethechildren.org/us/charity-stories/tips-helping-support-local-community

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